Michał Komorowski, PhD
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Polish Academy of Sciences
Warszawa, Poland
e-mail: m.komorowski@sysbiosig.org
tel. +48 228268911 ext. 449
room 324

Short BIO:

I am a theoretician turned interdisciplinarist trying to understand how cells communicate using complex signals.

Degrees and training

2023 Professor of Biomedical Engineering

2018 DSc Habil in Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

2010-2011 Research Associate, Imperial College London, UK, Department of Molecular Biosciences

2006-2009 PhD in Statistics, University of Warwick, UK, Department of Statistics

2002-2006 MSc in Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Poland, Department of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics

1999-2004 MSc in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Honors and awards

2017 Foundation for Polish Science, First Team Grant

2015 Award for Outstanding Young Scientists of The Ministry of Science and Higher Education Ministry, Republic of Poland

2013 EMBO Installation Grant

2013 Marie Curie Carier Integration Gant

2013 Foundation for Polish Science, Homing Reestablishment Grant

2006 University of Warwick, UK, PhD scholarship